How Should The Casing Of The Fuel Dispenser be Maintained?

Mac 2023-03-21

The fuel dispenser is a complete working measuring instrument for measuring the volume of liquids, which is composed of oil pumps, measuring converters, indicating devices, oil guns, oil and gas separators and other main parts. Fuel dispenser equipment plays an irreplaceable role in the oil sales process of gas stations. The daily maintenance and maintenance methods of the tanker equipment are mainly listening, watching, smelling and wiping. Listen to whether the sound of the tanker equipment is normal; check whether the connection between the shell of the tanker equipment and the various parts of the whole machine is detached, deformed or other faults; smell whether there is any peculiar smell when the tanker equipment is working; wipe the tanker equipment shell and related parts, keep it clean and free of dust and dirt. So, how to maintain the shell of the specific fuel dispenser?

Maintenance standards for the tanker equipment: no dust, no spider silk, no oil stains, no rust, and the stickers are pasted with plastic and no residue.

Inspection and maintenance methods of the oil dispenser equipment: wipe the dust on the surface of the oil dispenser with cotton cloth, remove oil stains with detergent, remove rust with sand cloth, apply butter to screws for protection, check whether the stickers are over-plasticized and posted, and prevent the stickers around the stickers when wiping. rollback phenomenon.
